Nothing says Nature like plastic and brass.

One thing that irritates me beyond all belief is litter. Like really, Who does that?! Ugh.

Whenever I am out in the woods I make sure to put my garbage back in my bag. Plastics and metals take way too long to break down!

Mushroom season just so happens to pretty much coincide with turkey season. One of my favorite mushroom spots is a great place for turkey and deer in the fall. It is not uncommon for me to find spent shotgun shells laying around under a tree stand.

I just don't get it! For one shot gun shells are reloadable so even if you don't reload them yourself you can sell them for up to 5 cents a shell in some places. For two part of the game is to mask your scent so that game will continue to come to that area. Don't you think that deer and turkeys can smell those???
Sure maybe I am being ridiculous about shotgun shells but is it so hard to pick them up when you are done?

Another thing that irritates me drink cans and bottles. Out in the woods I see them a lot, while this does irritate me, last time I tried picking up a beer can (Seriously?! So not only are you leaving your discarded shotgun shells laying around but you are also drinking while hunting?! Guns and Alcohol don't mix people!) There was an ant colony living in it. I ended up covered in ants. Luckily I live in Iowa, we don't have fire ants.

Have you ever gotten into a river tube (or on another flotation device) and gone tubing down the river? Its fun right? Not when you have to stop half way down the river and pull broken glass out of your tush! The first half to three quarters of my float route is basically uninhabited. Meaning if you step on, get cut on, or pop your flotation device on a broken glass bottle or aluminum can you could easily bleed out before you get to help.

Yes I know that this is the worst case scenario but it is possible. If you are lucky, you can find a boater to take you up river to find help. 

We always take a plastic cooler with us when we go floating so any bags, bottles, cans, or any other trash we find we pick up and take out with us. 

One thing that I want to instill into my son is to leave the earth better than you found it. Meaning always take your trash with you and pick up any that you see. 

We need to work together to make sure that this world continues to be beautiful for many generations to come.
